After collecting information (it took us about 6 months) we are ready with VKontakte TOP100 list. The selection was difficult, there are many beautiful women with huge boobs in the Russian-speaking countries, but we limited the to TOP100. We hope you’ll like it!
FOLLOW us ➡️ VK/2Busty.
In most cases, VKontakte sign-up is required to view an account.
We’ll again remind you that VK is a social network and its members have agreed their accounts to be visible, but not all from our TOP100 are models or public figures, so do not bother them with unnecessary messages.
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If you feel your place is not in this top list, you can email us at 2busty[@] to remove your photo.
If we’ve missed a big boob star, write in the comments and we’ll add it.
Share if you love beautiful 2busty women! 😉
Photos of the big busty women are cute, exotic.
It’s very comforting and gratifying to see Eastern Europe celebrate bustier, thiccer woman and embrace the feminine. This is something we can all take notes from. This is what the “Body Positive” movement needs! Real, thicc and curvy women! Women who actually struggle to find bras and clothes to support and cover their immense breasts. Women that are healthy eaters but also active and not out to emasculate men. Women who want to be women and have real goals and hopes and not just be perpetually 20, partying and goofing off. I see more maturity in Eastern European women than most Western Women.
Minus Nadine Jansen and Hitomi Tanaka (who, she herself comes from a very polite, strict, maybe too strict, a culture of etiquette and yet no less fun-loving), all the women I subscribe to and support are Eastern European. There is a paper that could be written here but I won’t ruin this page with “philosophy”.
I will end with this though, it’s more than big, juicy, bouncy breasts… it’s personality. The boobs are what get our attention but it’s the personality you fall in love with. There are some big bust models that have amazing breasts and bodies but putrid, black personalities. Contrast that to some more average but no less busty women who are nothing but rosy and cheery beacons of light. This should be kept in mind as one is going to subscribe to a patreon or site. Be wary of whom you support.
Wife of Khan, Czarinas all of them. I want to masturbate to all of you lovely ladies of mine. Yeah! – Russell Dino Razorclaw, Khan.
wow Caol, well said
The women are really gorgeous. I want more sexy pictures of big boobed ladies.
Busty beauty woman – A Voloshina
Follow her
Miss Kochiashvili – amazing body and huge natural boobs!