We were so glad when we found out that she will have an official site because she’s one of the few busty models like Anya Zenkova and Busty Duffy with so fine and thin physique, but have huge natural busts. Sexy Venera (Venera Isabella) came up to very good photographers – this can be seen from their mutual work, but she had no luck with webmaster. 🙁 Too bad, she could become very popular on the Internet., otherwise. From the very beginning, after a long wait, the website appeared with bad design & without news section, there were inaccuracies in affiliate program for webmasters , which stopped them from promoting the website.
According to our calculations, unless the website changes, it will stop working till one year, year and a half.
We can only regret about incredibly gifted Sexy Venera.
Click here to visit the personal website» of Sexy Venera Isabella
images are courtesy of sexyvenera.com
Sad we have to get decent pics of her from twitter since her site is so screwed up.They messed up my information so bad I paid once and never went back.
She had reduction, because of serius health problems. She is doing webcams, but not with what size.
So sad to hear about her health problems, hope she’s fine now, even with smaller boobs
Venera a equine boob star